Santa Barbara News-Press

Opinions and Letters

LETTER: Guzzardi has handle on District 2 issues

January 5, 2006 2:35 PM
I have had the opportunity to listen to all of the current candidates for the 2nd District county supervisor race for a few hours of Q&A. Two things struck me from the meetings.

One was how right-on Joe Guzzardi was on the topics. He was eloquent, knowledgeable, and had a superb understanding and plan of attack for the housing issues that face the 2nd District.

If he gets in, a lot of unpaid neighborhood advocates can finally focus more on their day jobs and their families, and enjoying life in Santa Barbara.

The second was how little Janet Wolf is qualified to be a county supervisor. It was a little frightening to see her waddle around in her own lack of understanding of the real housing issues.

She did, however, seem to fall right in line with Supervisor Susan Rose's be-a-good-follower campaign of overdeveloping the South Coast. I wonder if the major developers in town are licking their chops at the thought of Ms. Wolf getting elected.